Bruce and Walker produces the finest performance Two Handed Steelhead and Salmon Rods (Spey Rods) on the planet custom rolled and wrapped to your individual specifications. In other words, your Bruce and Walker rod will be made just for YOU, not shot off an assembly line.
Why Bruce and Walker?

Bruce and Walker Rods are fully customizable. From the grip and real seat to the wraps and even the color of the rod blank!

When you really want to reach out there, there simply is no better choice than a B&W. With the leading long rods in the world, Gene and a team of the best casters in the world are here to help you find the perfect combination to get your fly way out there.
How to find the Spey rod
of your dreams:
World-renowned Spey caster Gene Oswald will serve as your personal assistant, helping you select the perfect rod for YOU.
Call Gene at: 253-279-5115

World-renowned Spey caster Gene Oswald will serve as your personal assistant, helping you select the perfect rod for YOU.
The 15' 7/9 Powerlite
loads deep and recovers fast. The power never ends!

NEW!!! Trout Spey​
From the 11' 4" 3-wt. to a 15'6" 5 wt, Bruce and walker has a "trout spey" Rod for every occasion

king salmon? no problem. feel the B&W power.